New Method for Online Registration

When a website admin tries to get an email account or social networking page matched to his or her domain (or person’s name or business’s name) but fails as someone else has chosen that username already. If any person or organization named ‘xyz’ want to get a specific username blank in every email service and social network for branding, then radical reform is required for current registration process. There are more problems here. A lot of people have the name of more than two, three or four words. For example, Colombian pop star Shakira’s official nick name is ‘Shakira’ and official full name is ‘Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll’. Former Secretary of State of USA Hillary’s full name is ‘Hillary Rodham Clinton’. Everyone does not have the name of two words only that they will use the method of ‘First name- Last name’ at the time of registration. Sometimes organizations are signing up registration forms; they do not have first name or last name. Even, they do not have birth date but establishment date. Now, what’s the solution? 

‘Use full name and nick name, not first name or last name’

Some English dictionary says, ‘first name is the name which is given to someone when s/he was born and last name is the family name’. But this is not true for the maximum people of this world. Any word of the full name, which contains more than two words, may be people’s nick name or family name. Not only the citizens of United States of America are using Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter etc. So these technology based websites should respect all culture and tradition until all the people of this world start using a common method.

The registration form should provide the opportunity to type user’s ‘official full name’ in a single ‘One-Line Text Box’ with only the alphabet (A-Z, a-z) of English language according to legal papers (e.g. National ID card, Driving License OR Organization’s bank account statement etc). As not only human beings are opening web accounts; organizations like corporations, foundations, govt. agencies are opening accounts so the registration form will ask to know whether the user is ‘Individual’ or ‘Organization’.

At the second step of registration process, the form must provide the option to select any of the words of the full name as ‘official nick name’ from the option button (radio button). User (both individual and organization) will be able to set any of both names (means, full name & nick name) as ‘primary’ to display & will also get the chance to alter the primary selection time to time. But organizations will get an extra facility; they will be able to set a completely different word as official nick name if its official full name does not contain the symbolic word. But symbolic word must be legal, not funny or temporary. For example, ‘National Aeronautics and Space Administration’ is the official full name and ‘NASA’ is the official nick name.

Hope that technology based websites will change their policy for new and provide the chance to reset full name and nick name, account type (individual or organization) for old account holders.


After that people will set their birth date and organization will set their organization’s establishment date.

‘Email id & web URL matching to our domain’

It will be a meaningful change if top rated technology based websites – Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter etc – provide the opportunity to create email id and web URL matching to our website address. For example, the admin of will be able to open email like, and to get URL like,,,,,,, etc. 

(Mentionable that will be redirected to and will be redirected to )

A common user, who does not have domain, will not be able to get email id or URL with dot (.) but any website admin will be able to get this any time, when s/he wishes. The technology based websites will reserve the domain matched email id & URLs till someone signup after validating the claim by uploading a ‘One Time Secret Key Based’ html file to own server. So, a person or organization named ‘xyz’ may not get the username ‘xyz’ blank everywhere but will get the common username ‘’, if they have owned the domain. It will help everyone to memorize and also help branding. This is very important for celebrity, business, social organizations and State for branding and to ensure the verification of social networking pages.

Simply the proposal says, if any person or organization signs up for a username without (.) dot, will not have to own a website. And if any person or organization signs up for a username with (.) dot, must own a website; besides that the website will be verified.

There will be an extra option to make the whole process easy that if any person or organization use the web address with ‘www’ as account’s full name (for example instead of ‘Shakira’ or instead of ‘White House’) will not need to submit any legal documents but only verify the website ownership. Here the account holder will not submit any birth date or establishment date but will also not get the chance to use nick name. If account owner change mind in future to convert the account status as ‘person’ or ‘organization’, then will get the chance.

The old account holders will be able to reset their email id or web URL to a new domain matched id keeping all contents intact. Some people are using different accounts now to represent their websites. For example, with the first account and with the second account OR with the first account and with the second account. So, there must be a chance to merge multiple accounts to a single one (domain matched id/url) keeping all contents, photos, videos, mails intact with previous serial and publishing/sending date. Beside that, there shall be an option to use old email id as extra email id and old URL as extra URL for next one year which will work as forwarder only. Before all, who already opened email account or web URL with (.) dot, (but does not have any website) will receive a notice that dot will be removed within 30 days from their id or URL.

These types of accounts will not have any expiration date, will be active till end of the earth; even after the expiration of domain. But What will happen if someone stops to renew a domain, it expires, and someone new takes or registers that domain? If the old admin of domain do not transfer the domain matched email id or web URLs to new admin, then the new admin will have to upload a ‘One Time Secret Key Based’ html file to own server by help of a special page of technology based website. The new admin will complete the whole process by and only by the specific email address, according to Whois, which is used to register and control the domain. To avoid hacking, a notice email will be sent that domain matched email address asking the old admin to upload another ‘One Time Secret Key Based’ html file to web server within 30 days. If the old admin fails to do it, after 30 days, control of email address & web URLs will be transferred to new admin at the email address which is used to register the domain, according to Whois.

‘Join hands’

Share this idea & send feedback to concerned websites and policy makers to bring change immediately.

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